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Ayurveda's 5000 year old philosophy is to keep each individual's unique body type in balance. Doing so will allow you to live liberated from disease, maintaining a harmonic life.
It's therapies balance the doshas, promote cleansing of the body, increase circulation, reduce inflammation and calm the mind. Along with many other healing benefits.
According to Ayurveda, the doshas are the three body types which are biological energies that are made up of different combinations of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air and space).The three doshas are known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each individual is made up of a different balance of the three doshas. Most are more predominant in one or two. This is the person’s 'Prakruti', meaning nature.
The dosha's can become 'aggravated' or out of balance which can be caused by too much of the wrong food, stress, trauma, environment or unhealthy lifestyle.Having any of the dosha's out of balance is what leads to disease.
This is where ayurvedic treatments come in, to help to reset the body, releasing built-up toxins, calming the mind so that the body can heal much more efficiently, nourishing tissues and releasing any energy blockages.
Energy blockages can be caused by unresolved emotions. This disrupts the proper flow of the currents of energy that flow through our energy field.When this happens, it can cause an array of negative effects on the physical body.
Ayurveda massages include use of 'marma' (pressure) point therapy to help release these blockages. Preventing the body being further affected.
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